Cherri Coleman Story, Heritage, and Performing Arts

Chair Bottoms and Baskets are authentic to Cherri's family. Her great-grandfathers both seated chairs with hickory and corn shuck, some of which are still in her possession. She has been privileged to explore the Cherokee side of her heritage by studying traditional cane basketry with master weaver Emma Garrett Jackson.
Basket Demonstrations
Authentic demonstrations of the splitting and weaving of white oak and cane basketry for your school or festival.
Weaving Up the Gap
Build bridges between generations by sharing conversation and personal stories prompted by weaving your own basket. Explore historical changes in communication, food ways and gender roles as we weave letter baskets, egg baskets, fishing baskets and more.
Fairy Godmother’s/Tennessee Tales Folklife Experiences
Create an authentic knapsack while listening to Long Hunters tales; unravel the mystery of learning to spin while bread bakes on the hearth and fairy tales abound.
A menu of seasonal offerings is available.
Living Literature
Explorations of clothing and culture, food and fancy as we step into the shoes of your favorite literary characters.
Telling History
Addresses the unique challenges of historical narrative whether you are a docent, re-enactor of family historian
A Harvest of Family Tales
Use photos, family cookbooks and heirlooms to fill out your family folklore. Leave with a workbook to help you gather those tales as well as instructions on how to host a family folklore dinner.
Celebrating Our Roots© Artisan Apprentice
Transform middle school students into museum professionals. Students learn to demonstrate and interpret a trade such as basket weaving, spinning or paper marbling and host a living history event at a local historic site: complete with period equipment, attire and hands-on activities.
Celebrating Our Roots©
A service-learning project which actively involves high school students and community in the preservation of their heritage. Students research and assess the challenges and assets of a local historic site, investigate community perceptions and need, then create a shared vision with the museum staff. The students carry out a restoration goal, then craft and perform stories, short plays and first-person interpretations for schools and the public to raise awareness for the historic site and its value to the community.